Your female pet will live a longer, healthier life,Spaying helps prevent uterine infections and breast tumors, which are malignant or cancerous in about 50 percent of dogs and 90 percent in cats.

Neutering your male companion prevents testicular cancer and some prostate problems.A neutered male might also have less desire to roam and can help with certain behavior issues.

In general puppies can receive the appropriate surgery around 5-6 months while cats it is safe to spay or neuter at 8 weeks of age.

Scooting a bottom across the floor is a common dog behavior often due to a possible anal sac issue.Anal sacs may become clogged or injured for a variety of reasons, which can lead to scooting.Visiting the vet is recommended to ensure scooting isn’t due to a serious issue like allergies or parasites.

There is a number of benefits to brushing your pets teeth daily. We know everyone is busy but a minimum of a few times per week if possible. It is a good practice to start them young so they can get use to a routine.You can start from 8 – 16 weeks of age.

The most likely explanation for a pet’s stinky breath is dental disease.By the age of three, 70% of cats and 80% of dogs have some form of dental disease. We recommend yearly dental checkups and teeth cleaning at a vet to avoid serious issues in the future. Checkups can begin as early as 6 months old.

​No matter your pet’s breed, you should be able to feel all of your dogs ribs without a thick layer of fat over them. Your dog’s chest should also be wider than his abdomen, with a noticeable tuck-up from chest to stomach. An overweight pet will generally have no waist and no distinction between chest and stomach. For cats, look at your pet from the side if you notice a layer of low hanging fat that could be a sign that your pet is overweight.

Female dogs and cats often experience urinary issues as they age such as incontinence or crystals or stones in their urine.

It could be as simple as a UTI. That’s usually an antibiotic and it’s okay. It can also be more complicated with stone formation, where we would need to change diets or sometimes even do surgery in order to remove bigger stones from the bladder. It can really be complicated, but by working with our veterinarian, you can definitely get to the bottom of it and help them through this.

If your pet seems itchier than usual or is chewing on their feet, scratching their underarms or face, or feeling like it has hot spots, people often assume a food allergy is to blame. While diet can be a component of pet’s skin issues, an actual food allergy is unlikely.

Only about 10% of pets have a real food allergy. The other 90% of itchy, uncomfortable pets are typically some sort of inhaled allergen just like us, or a flea allergy.

A pet can scratch, lick, or chew for a wide variety of reasons ranging from allergies to boredom. It can also be fleas, mites, dry skin, anxiety and/or stress. Treatment for skin itching depends on what’s causing the problem, which is why you should always contact a vet for advice.

The good news is that most causes of scratching can be successfully treated once your dog has received the correct diagnosis.

You can bathe your pet at home every 4-6 weeks. If you would like to bathe more often just make sure you are using a mild, hypoallergenic shampoo. For pets with prescribed medicated shampoo you may be asked to bathe your pet once a week. Any dogs or cats with medium to long coat we recommend brushing coat once a week or as needed to maintain a healthy coat. All pets benefit from monthly ear cleaning and nail trims. Some dog breeds with longer ears ie: cocker spaniels or cropped ears ie: Pit Bull will require weekly ear cleaning to prevent infection. Professional dog or cat grooming is recommended every 4-6 weeks.

A dog is much more likely to eat a shoe or steal chicken bone than a cat for example. Also, a change in food or treats, stress, parasites and much more can cause diarrhea or vomiting. Any information or changes that you know will help us treat your pet when you bring him/her into our vet. Like how long has the pet been having diarrhea? What other medical issues does your dog have? What color is the stool? Is your dog eating or drinking normally?

If you are planning to travel with your pet and your will be flying with them please check with the particular airline to find out their particular requirements and limits for your pet to travel.

You will also want to check with the state/country you will traveling to see if they require a specific travel certificate. Please visit for more information.

If your dog is drinking excessively (polydipsia) it is possibly because he is losing excess amounts of water for any of a number of reasons. While a number of diseases result in excess water intake and urine output, the most common of these diseases include kidney failure, diabetes mellitus and Cushing’s disease. Many of the conditions that can cause dogs to drink a lot of water are quite serious. If you have any concerns about your dog’s water consumption, make an appointment with your veterinarian.

Coughing can have many different causes. A few examples include:

  • inflammation or irritation of the respiratory passages due to allergies, tumors, or inhaled foreign material such as food particles or plant fragments
  • infection of the respiratory system due to bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites
  • pneumonia (infection of the lungs)
  • tracheal collapse caused by a weak trachea (windpipe) that flattens on itself when the pet inhales (breathes in) rather than staying open like a rigid pipe
  • Heart disease / Heart Murmur

What screening tests would be recommended?

In a coughing pet, the recommended screening tests could include: complete blood count , serum biochemistry profile, ECG , parasite tests, and chest radiographs (X-rays). Further testing may be recommended depending on the results of the initial screening tests. If you’ve noticed your dog coughing and your curious about all the different reasons why dogs cough, know that many different conditions, ranging in severity from mild to life-threatening, can lead your dog to cough

Dogs can become nervous or anxious for many reasons. Sometimes it’s obvious what is causing your dog’s reaction, but sometimes it’s not. In that case, you can often detect what is triggering their abnormal behavior through trial and error or by paying keen attention to when their body language is indicating that they are nervous.


Dogs can become anxious for different reasons. Three specific types of anxiety are separation anxiety, former rescue (or shelter) dog anxiety, and illness-induced anxiety. A dog can also have general anxiety. The best way to treat anxiety is to talk with your veterinarian. Your veterinarian can help you identify the type of anxiety your dog suffers from and the possible causes and triggers. Your veterinarian will also be able to help you determine if the anxiety is simply situational, or if it is becoming an overwhelming issue for your dog.


Additionally, veterinarians can also rule out any other medical conditions that could be causing your dog’s symptoms. Your veterinarian will help you come up with a treatment plan. Since excessive anxiety is often caused by a variety of factors, the best way to treat it is usually through a combination of training, preventive strategies, and in some cases, medications.

If your dog shakes their head once or twice but then stops, there’s probably nothing to be concerned about. However, if your dog keeps shaking his head persistently and vigorously, it’s time for a trip to the vet

  • Foxtails or any foreign body
  • Itchiness due to skin allergies
  • Irritant trapped in their ear such as grass seeds, water or insects
  • Bacterial or yeast infection
  • Inflammation of ear canal
  • Ear mites or other parasites in the ear
  • Aural Hematoma (blood blister inside an earflap)
  • Ear polyps (growths inside of the ear canal)
  • Secondary infection in the ear

Up to one year of age: If you bring a kitten or puppy home, they’re generally going to be around four months old. If they’re younger than that, you should bring them to the vet every three to four weeks for vaccinations and a checkup.

Adult Years (Up to 7 years): Once a cat or dog turns one year of age, they will generally only need to visit the vet once a year. During this visit, the animals will get a complete physical to check for any signs of concern. Additionally, updated booster shots will be administered.

Senior years (8 years and up): Animals, like humans, require more health care as they get older. Veterinarians recommend seniors have checkups at least twice a year rather than just annually. In addition to a typical physical and any necessary vaccinations, senior pets may require further tests.